Bitcoin (BTC)
1 BTC = $ 100 USD even more depends on the time, now wrote more than $ 500 USD,Just imagine if you have the 100 BTC, how many dollars you can have (*. *)a

  What is a Bitcoin? 

Bitcoin is an electronic money created in 2009 by Satoshi Nakamoto. The name is also associated with open source software that he designed, and also uses peer-to-peer that connects everything. Unlike general currency, bitcoin does not depend on the trust major publishers. Bitcoin uses a distributed database and spread to nodes - nodes of a P2P network to journal transactions, and uses cryptography to provide functions - basic security functions, such as ensuring that the bitcoin - bitcoin can only be spent by people have it, and should never be done more than once.
The design of Bitcoin allows for ownership without identity (anonymous) and transfer of wealth. Bitcoin - bitcoin can be stored on a personal computer in a file format wallet or stored by a third party wallet service, and in spite of all that Bitcoin - bitcoin can be sent via the Internet to anyone who has a Bitcoin address. Topology of peer-to-peer bitcoin and lack of a single administration made ​​it impossible for the authority, any government, to manipulate the value of bitcoin - bitcoin or cause inflation by producing more bitcoin.
Bitcoin is one of the first implementation of the so-called cryptocurrency, first described by Wei Dai in 1998 in cypherpunks mailing list
  Based DailyDotCom use Bitcoin, currency cryptografi, is increasing dramatically. Year 2012 and the highest point of the transaction were achieved by reaching 58,000 transactions per day. Now that the new year Bitcoin transactions hold steady at 50,000 points per transaction day. Internet users continue to enthusiastically use the internet bitcoin as currency in a wholly digital. Even giants like WordPress is now accepting bitcoin currency in the provision of services. Based on Forbes bitcoin becoming a popular alternative currency because of its simplicity in use, the system is decentralized and access is available to all people become the main attraction in this currency.

Bitcoin rely on the number of surgeries in the public accounts using public key cryptography. All transactions - transactions are open to the public and is stored in a distributed database. To prevent double-spending, the network implements a distributed time server, using the idea of working perantaian evidence. Overall history of the transaction - the transaction has been properly stored in the database and to reduce the size of the storage area, a Merkle tree is used.

Bitcoin is a implentasi peer-to-peer from b-money proposal by Wei Dai and proposals Bitgold by Nick Szabo. The principle of the system in general has been described in 2008 by Satoshi Nakamoto.

A person who participates in the bitcoin network has a wallet that stores multiple keypair - kritografi keypair. Public keys - a public key, or es bitcoin address, which acts as the final destination (endpoint) to send or receive payments for all. The associated private key only allows payment only from the users themselves. Address - the address does not contain any information about the owner and is generally not known. [8] address - the address in a human-readable format consisting of numbers - random numbers and letters - letters that length is about 33 characters, in format 1rYK1YzEGa59pI314159KUF2Za4jAYYTd. Bitcoin user can have many addresses, and in fact can mengenerasi new address without any limitation, as it makes a new address is immediate, comparable to create a public / private key pairs new, and does not require connection to the node - any node in the network. In making the sole purpose / use of a single-address - the address can help the user anonymity

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